Teeth Extractions
In Toronto, Ontario
If you need a tooth extraction, you can trust the caring dental professionals at Yonge & Eglinton Dentistry.
At Yonge & Eglinton Dentistry, our team believes that tooth extractions are a last resort. We will do everything we can to repair and restore your teeth in cases of decay, injury, or infection. Not only is a complete smile a beautiful smile, but it is also a healthy smile. However, we do understand that extractions are sometimes necessary. If our dentist determines that an extraction is the best treatment for your overall oral health, rest assured that we offer safe, gentle, and affordable extractions to Toronto patients.

Do I Need a Wisdom
Tooth Extraction?
Removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure that we offer to provide relief from or prevent the painful symptoms of wisdom tooth eruptions. While some patients experience no issues with their wisdom teeth, for others, this final set of molars can cause a variety of painful dental health concerns. These issues include:
- Your wisdom teeth are impacted, becoming trapped in the gum line or jawbones
- Your wisdom teeth come in at the wrong angle and press against your surrounding teeth, leading to pain or damage
- Your mouth isn’t large enough to accommodate your wisdom teeth, causing painful crowding
- Your wisdom teeth can’t be reached with regular brushing and flossing, leading to cavities or gum disease
Our team performs safe and gentle wisdom tooth extractions to help our patients find relief and maintain their overall oral health.
Meet Your Dentists

Deirdre Denis, DDS
Dr. Deirdre Denis, BSc, DDS earned her dental degree from the University of Toronto, graduating with awards of distinction in orthodontics and oral surgery. She then interned at Mount Sinai Hospital, learning dentistry techniques firsthand from some of Toronto’s most respected specialists.

Kim Tait, DDS
Dr. Kim Tait, DDS obtained her dental degree from the University of Detroit Mercy and awarded for academic excellence. It is important to her that each patient is clearly communicated with and heard. Her goal is to make sure each patient is treated with respect and great care.

Do Tooth Extractions Hurt?
During your extraction, our team will do everything we can to make you comfortable and calm. Our dentist will administer local anesthetic to numb the extraction site and minimize any potential discomfort. We also offer oral sedation for your comfort to make your experience as pain- and stress-free as possible. Once you are relaxed and comfortable, our dentist will gently and safely remove your tooth.

If You Think You Are A Candidate
For Oral Sedation, Call Yonge &
Eglinton Dentistry To Schedule
An Appointment. Our Dentist Will
Gladly Discuss Your Needs,
Questions, And Concerns.
Contact our office today to book your next appointment!
Post-Operative Care
Our dentist will prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers to prevent infection and reduce your discomfort. We will also provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions. It may take up to a week for your mouth to heal following your extraction, so be sure to follow these instructions carefully for a comfortable and speedy recovery.

Learn More About
Teeth Extractions
Schedule Your Teeth
Extraction Consultation Today!
If you’re living with a toothache, our dental team performs safe, gentle tooth extractions in Toronto.
Have Any Questions?
Call Us Today at: (416) 483-4343